Are we our thoughts; who do we become when thoughts become actions? My investigation using line, fiber, light in context of energy, to describe our human experience is at the core of my exploration.
I investigate how we live inside and outside our thoughts. How complicated emotional decisions are universal to all of us, as we experience our world. I have always felt that we are all connected, and that universally we all want to achieve the same sense of balance and order in our lives.
Making sculptures helps me respond to the questions I have about mind, body and spirit and how the interconnectedness evolves into a web of energy all around us. Yarn installation allows for a physical reaction, push and pull, give and take. The thoughts made real of what is possible.
What do we recall after events take place? This is the next step in my artistic practice. By creating second generation work, such as paintings, prints, or plexiglass relief work, I further investigate how memories and emotions alter our perceptions, and how these effect our lives. I believe we all aim to be resilient to outside forces, yet we all crave connection, and understanding.