Georgia Southern University
Where Soul Meets Body explores the synergy between art and science, where elegance and symmetry meet. Exploring energy waves, mathematical codes and musical ciphers, I question the human experience of personal perspectives and narratives, which create imaginary constructs defining who we become through logical and illogical choices or paths. I crave harmony in my life. Harmony portrays a calm meditative background, soothing melodies and loving interactions. Chaos is a natural phenomenon that interrupts the harmony of the universe and reveals not only genuine experiences but manufactured disruptors such as AI, social media and the frenetic pace of information overload in our current way of life. All of these systems of harmony and chaos are investigated through my compositions in oil paintings, my constructions of constellations in plexiglass musical boxes, and the silkscreen prints of PTSD neurotransmitter mapping printed upon Bach’s “Ever Rising Canon.”